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Lisa Drake
February 2013
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I was born in Oswego and never left! I am 54 years old. I worked as a medical secretary in a surgeon’s office for 26 years, and now have an awesome job at SUNY Oswego in the Environmental Health & Safety Department. Exercise is very important to me. I swim laps, do a lot of walking, and-of course-I love Bikram Yoga! I love being outdoors-especially at the beach or golf course.
What brought you to the Bikram yoga practice?
I had heard about Bikram Yoga and wanted to try it for a long time. In November 2010 I finally decided it was time. I knew I would hate it because I’m not a big fan of heat and humidity, but I had to try it just to say that I gave it a shot-plus I had always wanted to see the beautiful Kingsford House. Amazingly, I made it through my first class and several more after that. I was hooked!
How often do you practice?
I’ve been taking 3-4 classes a week, and hope to increase that.
What specific physical issues, if any, did you have before taking your first class? What changes have you seen/felt in your body- overall physical and general well- being?
I’ve always had neck issues, and other aches and pains now and then. Everything feels better with regular practice. My Chiropractor has been seeing a lot less of me! I have lost 10 lbs over the last couple years since starting Bikram Yoga. I am drinking more water and my eating habits have changed for the better.
What are the greatest benefits of your practice?
When I finish a class I feel like I’ve climbed Mt. Everest. It is an amazing feeling of accomplishment. I was talking to a group of friends about this one night. Someone commented that people who practice Bikram Yoga have huge egos. At first this made me a little angry, but then I thought that maybe she was onto something. It definitely makes you feel good about yourself-a real confidence booster!
How has this practice changed your health and life? Any emotional or other benefits?
I just feel better in every way! It’s great to come to class after a stressful day and let go of everything for 90 minutes.
What is your favorite part about Bikram Yoga Oswego?
Wow! Tough question. It’s all good. The studio is absolutely gorgeous and the teachers are AMAZING! We are SO fortunate to have you. Thank you!
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Don’t be afraid to try it! We have students of all ages, sizes, and shapes. We all practice at different levels and no one is judged. We’re all on a wonderful journey!
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