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Mike Cummins

February 2015

Tell us a little bit about yourself - where you were born, where you grew up, career, hobbies, interests, etc. 

I was born and raised in Oswego.  Marsha and I have been married for thirty years this year; we have twin daughters Aleksandra (Sasha) and Tatyana (Ana). I have recently retired from Nine Mile Point as the Fix-It-Now (FIN) Supervisor after 35 years.

I’m an avid hunter especially archery which has similar aspects to yoga. Bow hunting takes discipline, practice and patience.  I like to travel with my family exploring new places and ride my motorcycle which I will do now that I’m retired.

What brought you to the Bikram yoga practice? Where did you first learn about Bikram yoga? 

My wife attended yoga with a co-worker and told me about it.  She thought I would like it.  I started in late summer last year and have been attending ever since.    

How often do you practice? 

Currently, I’m participating in the thirty day challenge; normally I try to practice three times a week.

What specific physical issues, if any, did you have before taking your first class? What changes have you seen/felt in your body- overall physical and general well-being? 

I’ve had back problems for a long time and have developed sciatica in my right leg.  Since I have been practicing yoga, the flexibility of my back has improved and the sciatica has all but disappeared and I have also noticed that my clothes fit better.  I have lost seven pounds since starting the thirty day challenge.

What are the greatest benefits of your practice?

Improving the flexibility of my back and my health in general has been great and losing a few pounds is a nice benefit too!

How has this practice changed your health and life? Any emotional or other benefits? 

Yoga has taught me to meditate and focus which has helped me to relax.  I have also noticed that my sleep duration has improved.

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