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Mike Donovan

September 2012

Tell us a little bit about yourself. 

I was born and raised in Oswego where I attended Oswego High School.  I went to college at Rollins College in Winter Park, Fl.  I have enjoyed playing sports all my life.  I have always enjoyed the challenge of competition.  I currently work at the Novelis plant in Oswego for a computer consulting company called CGI.  I have been married for 9 years to Kellie Donovan and have two wonderful children, Jack and Audrey.

What brought you to the Bikram yoga practice?

I first attended Bikram Yoga when my wife (Kellie) called me to ask if I would like to do a workout that we could do together.  I was so worried she wanted to do ball room dancing I immediately said yes to yoga.  That first class, I regretted it but it was so hard and challenging I knew I needed to go back. Four  years later I love how I feel after every class.

How often do you practice?

I attend class generally 3 times a week.  Like most people, I have a very busy schedule and am very happy to get to class 3 times a week.   

What specific physical issues, if any, did you have before taking your first class? What changes have you seen/felt in your body- overall physical and general well- being?

I pretty much just had an overall feeling of stiffness from head to toe.  By attending class, I walk out with an overall great feeling.  I feel energized, flexible and stronger every time I get done.    

My health has improved greatly, and I get sick less often. In addition, my ability to handle the many stresses in my job and life has greatly improved and I believe that is also because of yoga.

What are the greatest benefits of your practice?

The greatest benefits have been the strength and energy I have gained from yoga.

What is your favorite part about Bikram Yoga Oswego?

I really enjoy the challenge of doing Bikram yoga and the great feeling of accomplishment I have when I walk out of the studio.  I also enjoy the friends my wife and I have made through yoga and the experiences we have been able to share.    

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Just that we need more people to get up in the morning and attend the 6:00 am class.  You may feel stiff at first but you feel great the rest of the day!  Also thank you Sandy for providing us the opportunity to learn about and practice Bikram yoga in our hometown.    

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